Nidana Kinesiology Academy Home

Profit Pathway Program

At The Nidana Collective, we believe in the big picture of what it is to be a kinesiologist, or any other practitioner working in the world of natural therapies.

With 40 collective years of experience as practitioners and teachers in the industry, we know that equipping you with your qualification, is only the beginning of your journey.

One consistent pattern we noticed throughout the years, is the number of graduates who are qualified and exceptional practitioners, but lacked the skills and/or knowledge to establish and build a thriving business.

So, if you're passionate about being a Kinesiologist, or other natural therapist, yet struggling to build a successful business, then we have created the Profit Pathway Program for YOU.

The sole purpose of this program is to equip you with all the basic skills you need to build the foundations of a successful natural therapies practice.

The Profit Pathway Program is a comprehensive online course underpinned by an ongoing supportive and contributory community keeping you on track and inspired.

Here are just some of the things you will learn:

  • Setting the foundations success
  • Leveraging your drivers
  • Understanding the marketing mix
  • Sales without selling
  • Mastery mindset to achieve your goals
  • and soooo much more….

We believe in the ‘ripple effect’, so we know the more empowered you are to help others, the more others can fulfil their potential. And the more people you contribute to, the more you fulfil on your purpose. The more you fulfil your purpose, the more we fulfil ours.

"Do what love, love what you do, and make a difference, whilst profit making”.

Click here to start changing the success of your business

Get Started Today!




TERESE: +61 408 867 529

SARAH: +61 433108793


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