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How Kinesiology Can Change Anyones Life Instantly

But… hang on, what is Kinesiology? Many people may have never heard the word, let alone know what it could do for their body and mind. Kinesiology is a holistic therapy that identify imbalances in the body’s structural, chemical, and emotional energy.

Our Founder, Terese Mudgway recently spoke to Beautiful Minds, about how she discovered her calling and the benefits you can experience by incorporating Kinesiology into your life. We can hand-on-heart say it can be life-changing to improve the efficiency and performance of the human body.

Terese explains some of the five common benefits of Kinesiology:

1. Self Knowledge – Greater understanding, love and appreciation of oneself.

2. Self empowerment – how to deal with yourself, your world and others, enhancing your enjoyment of life, including releasing unconscious sabotages and limiting beliefs.

3. Authenticity – making choices that honour your body, mind and soul. Respecting your true self and being safe to express that.

4. Improved physical health including sleep and vitality.

5. Success in achieving goals and enhanced productivity and results.

Another important concept that Terese explained to Beautiful Minds was the ‘Triangle of Health’ in human physiology.

According to Terese, “The connection between all three of these components is paramount, as is the uniqueness of each individual. The wonderful thing about Kinesiology is that it is not elective or prejudice. My youngest client was ONLY three weeks old and the oldest 86 and between. All shapes, sizes, cultures, backgrounds, education, life stage etc etc. An individual will come in with a ‘complaint’, ‘pain’, ‘symptom’ or ‘issue’ etc. Kinesiology works on moving you toward what you want, whilst dealing with the pain or issue that is holding you back from where or who you’d rather be… in any area of your life.”

If you have an aching desire to improve one or many aspects of your world, Kinesiology may be a beautiful option for you/your young person. If you’d like to learn more about Kinesiology we would love to hear from you.

Terese Mudgway

About the author

Terese has enjoyed a rewarding and fulfilling career in Kinesiology, having built three successful practices across Australia and New Zealand. Terese has worked with individuals and organisations and is now a leader in her field. She has contributed to various publications, including magazines such as Viva, Russh, MindFood, and Marie Claire, to name a few. She has also been featured on Radio shows and as a speaker at both industry-specific and corporate events.

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"We are committed to the professionalism of Kinesiology and the results it delivers to clients, students and customers."

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TERESE: +61 408 867 529

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